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Using creative arts & oral traditions to promote compassion and heal communities.

Louis Diene Faye Foundation uses, supports and engages creative arts as a pathway to bring the healing and restorative power of the arts for individuals, families and communities. Learn More LDFF advocates and involves expressive and healing arts as tools to improve health and well-being and our mission is to foster and promote the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical development of Africans and people of African descent through cultural art classes, workshops, panel of discussions, seminars, outreach events and field trips.

Expressive & Healing Arts is one of the programs of Louis Diene Faye Foundation that uses arts, culture, lifestyle and history as tools for community healing, change, integration and community development. The healing arts are creative practices that promote healing, wellness, coping and personal change.

The Heritage Lifestyle Change Program & traditional healing arts include art, storytelling, dance/movement, poetry/writing and drama therapies, culinary arts (African Heritage cooking and wellness classes) performing arts (African and Afro-Caribbean dance fitness classes). The program uses the art of cooking and dancing to promote health, nutrition and wellness education and disease prevention to encourage heritage healthy dieting, exercise (afro fitness/workout dance) and providing lifestyle wellness education. It guides people to good health through heritage, using programs grounded in science and tradition.

This program amplifies and coordinates existing LDFF efforts through projects and events that inspire individuals while physically and mentally transforming communities.

Our mission is to provide heritage educational lifestyle change programs on cooking, dance, modelling, music, drama, photography, creative writing, drawing, painting, spirituality, rituals and storytelling to help communities to stay healthy and achieve personal growth.

We promote activities that represent our customs, traditions, values and help develop the mind and body through innovative heritage art classes such as African heritage cooking, traditional African dance/Afro fitness as workout and modelling classes. We empower Africans and people of African descent with lifestyle management and self-management skills necessary to improve their quality of life.

We promote the arts at local, national, global and individual levels, engage people in advocating to create healthy, stronger, vibrant and happy communities.

We create awareness of how the arts can address health issues by partnering, collaborating with organizations, venues and by working with creative leaders, working artists, arts educators, community leaders, residents, arts and cultural supporters and stakeholders.

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